11 Kasım 2021 Perşembe


tek tapu arsa, imarlı arsa, telepir arsa, elmadağ arsa, ankara arsa, müstakil tapu arsa, imara açık arsa, samsun yolunda arsa, tkgm sorgu, sahibinden, letgo, hürriyet emlak,

Ankara Elmadağ Lalabel mahallesi Tek Tapu İmarlı Arsa

Samsun yoluna kuş uçuşu 500 metre mesafede 396 m2

Arsanın çevresinde yerleşim yerleri mevcuttur insanlar ikamet etmektedir. Dilerseniz ev yapabilirsiniz veya yatırımlık olarak alabilirsiniz. Ev yapmanız halinde doğalgaz, elektrik ve su gibi tüm hizmetlerden yararlanabilirsiniz.

Ada parsel sorgudan bakabilirsiniz.

Ada No 520 Parsel No 14
İletişim : 0 505 829 90 60

9 Kasım 2021 Salı


sahibinden, araba, arabam, kelepir, letgo, hepsiburada, gittigidiyor, trendyol, peugeut, 206, klimalı, dizel, ucuz araç, sahibinden satılık,
Ön kaputta biraz güneş yanıkları mevcuttur. 3 PARCA (ÖN KAPUT VE ÇAMURLUKLAR) DEĞİŞMİŞTİR. Tramer parça parça 11 bin küsür çıkıyor. Araç 6 yıldır bizde ihtayaç oldukça gerekenleri yaptırdık. 4/4 lük bir araç değil sonuçta ilgiye göre zevke göre biraz harcama yapıp uzun yıllar binilebilir. Çok az yakan dizel motoru var uzun km yapanlar için ideal. 
iletişim 0 505 829 90 60

2 Kasım 2021 Salı

Astragan kürkü nasıl elde ediliyor?

astragan kürk, kürk, kürk vahşettir, manken kadın, koyun, karagül koyunu, cinayet, vahşet, vizon, tavşan, tilki, çinçila
Astragan kürkü nasıl elde ediliyor?
Lütfen okuyalım ve farkındalık oluşturup bu vahşeti durdurmak için paylaşalım.

Karagül koyunlarından elde edilen ASTRAGAN yüksek fiyat ve geniş pazara sahip olan bir kürk türüdür.
Karagüller tamamen kıvırcık tüylere sahiptir. Ancak bu tüyler yavrunun doğumunu takip eden ilk üç günde kıvırcıklığını kaybedip düzelmeye başlar. Yani özelliğini kaybeder ve yavru öldürülmekte geç kalınırsa kürk ASTRAGAN olmaz artık. İşte tamda bu yüzden YAVRULAR DOĞAR DOĞMAZ ÖLDÜRÜLÜR. İnsana bu işkence ve kalite de yetmemiş olacak ki daha da inanılmaz bir yöntem bulmuş. Karagül koyunlarının gebeliklerinin son 15-30. günlerinde hapsedildikleri yerden alınarak beyaz fayans kaplı ölüm odalarına alınırlar ve yaşam hakları, yavrulu olmaları hiçe sayılarak gırtlakları kesilir, hemen doğmayı bekleyen yavru karından alınır ve yüzülür bir tek nefes dahi alamadan. İşte en değerli en pahalı kürkleri isteyenlerin bir şekilde ortak olduğu iğrenç cinayeti nasıl buldunuz? Bu şekilde alınan yavrunun kürkü en pürüzsüz en güzel kürktür ve kendini bilmez insanoğlu bununla güzelleştiğini, caka yaptığını sanmaktadır üzerine bulaşan kanı görmekten acizdir. Her yıl yaklaşık 4 milyon karagül koyunu bu vahşi sona yakalanmaktadır. Kürk piyasasında 12. bin dolarlara kadar alıcı bulan bu giysi diyemeyeceğimiz kanlı kürkler maalesef ülkemizde de satılmaktadır.
Lütfen çevrenize iletin belki bu vahşetten haberi olmayanlar vardır.
Bu vahşeti önleyelim. Bunların dışında VİZON, TAVŞAN, TİLKİ, ÇİNÇİLA VE ADINI ŞU AN SAYAMADIĞIMIZ YÜZLERCE TÜR maalesef benzer vahşeti yaşıyor. KÜRK VAHŞETTİR ORTAK OLMAYIN.

26 Ekim 2021 Salı


cenaze, fetva, cenaze yemeği, din işleri yüksek kurulu, DİB, sünnet, adet, ölü,

Din İşleri Yüksek Kurulu'nun 'Cenaze Evinde Yemek Yemek Caiz Midir? ' sorusuna cevabı...
- “Ölünün 
evinde üç gün ziyafet tertip etmek ve cenaze sahibinin yemek vermesi mekruktur.
- Ölenin ev halkına üç gün yakınları ve dostları tarafından 
yemek götürülmesi sünnettir.

22 Ekim 2021 Cuma


ahmed yesevi, hoca yesevi, şiir, şair, alim, şeyh, mümin, türkistan fatihi, gönüllerin fatihi, ahir zaman şeyhleri

Ahir Zaman Şeyhleri

Durmaz keramet satar
Ahir zaman şeyhleri
Her gün battıkça batar,
Ahir zaman şeyhleri

Farzı geriye atar,
Nafile oruç tutar,
Dini paraya satar,
Ahir zaman şeyhleri

Beline kuşak bağlar,
Sözleri yürek dağlar
Para toplarken ağlar,
Ahir zaman şeyhleri

Ağlaması göz boyar,
Her gün ayağı kayar,
Kendini adam sayar,
Ahir zaman şeyhleri

Başına sarık sarar,
Kendine mürit arar,
İlmi yok neye yarar,
Ahir zaman şeyhleri

Dünyaya kucak açar,
Zoru görünce kaçar,
Her yere küfür saçar,
Ahir zaman şeyhleri

Şeyhlik ulu bir iştir,
Hakka doğru gidiştir
Yaklaşılmaz ateştir,
Ahir zaman şeyhleri

Salih şeyhler nerdedir,
Kötüler her yerdedir,
Hak yoluna perdedir,
Ahir zaman şeyhleri

Hoca Ahmed Yesevi Hazretleri

20 Ekim 2021 Çarşamba

7 Ekim 2021 Perşembe


Allah'ım! Ey insanların Rabbi! Sıkıntıyı gider, şifa ver. Şifa veren ancak Sensin. Senin vereceğin şifadan başka şifa yoktur. Öyle bir şifa ver ki, hastalık nedir bırakmasın. Hz. Muhammed (sas), şifa duası, hastalıktan kurtulmak için dua, tüm hastalıklar için dua, iyileştiren dua, şifa veren dua, hadis, hz. Muhammed,
Ey insanların Rabbi! Sıkıntıyı gider, şifa ver.
Şifa veren ancak Sensin.
Senin vereceğin şifadan başka şifa yoktur.
Öyle bir şifa ver ki, hastalık nedir bırakmasın.
Hz. Muhammed (sas)


1 Ekim 2021 Cuma

Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Hucurat Suresi'nden hayatımıza tatbik edebileceğimiz 7 önemli madde.

Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Hucurat Suresi'nden hayatımıza tatbik edebileceğimiz 7 önemli madde. Size gelen haberi ARAŞTIRIN. İnsanların arasını ADALETLE DÜZELTİN. Birbirinizle ALAY ETMEYİN. Birbirinizi AYIPLAMAYIN Birbirinize LAKAP TAKMAYIN. ZANDAN SAKININ. Birbirinizin kusurunu ARAŞTIRMAYIN.
Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Hucurat Suresi'nden hayatımıza tatbik edebileceğimiz 7 önemli madde.
Size gelen haberi ARAŞTIRIN.
İnsanların arasını ADALETLE DÜZELTİN.
Birbirinizle ALAY ETMEYİN.
Birbirinizin kusurunu ARAŞTIRMAYIN.


29 Eylül 2021 Çarşamba


 mobese kameraları, güvenlik kameraları, komik paylaşımlar, dedikoducu teyzeler, muhabbet, komedi dünyası,
Eskiden mobese kameraları mı vardı? Mahallenin teyzeleri vardı. Ne var ne yok, kim ne yapmış, kimin oğlu-kızı nerede görülmüş, kim işe girmiş, kim hasta olmuş, kim ölmüş, kim ağlamış, kim gülmüş, kim ev-araba almış... Herşeyi kaydeder hatta yıllar sonra bile sorsanız en ince ayrıntılarıyla öğrenebilirdiniz :)

27 Eylül 2021 Pazartesi

21 Eylül 2021 Salı

What to Eat in London, the UK's City Full of Surprises?

What to Eat in London, the UK's City Full of Surprises, london, UK, england, food, tea, meat, breakfast, fish, chips,
What to Eat in London, the UK's City Full of Surprises?

This time for gourmet travelers, we dive into the London cuisine and ask “What to eat in London?"we list the answers to the question:

Stew of Meat

Stew of meat, one of the traditional delicacies of British cuisine, is one of the must-try delicacies in London. The dish, cooked with lamb and rich vegetable varieties, is served with mashed potatoes. If you think that the way to get to know a city like ours is through the kitchen, you should definitely try this famous taste of London.


Sweet beans, eggs, grilled tomatoes, sausages and homemade French fries... Here are those on the breakfast plates of the British... There is no way to return without tasting their traditional breakfast, having gone as far as the land of London, which offers an interesting breakfast according to our type of food. On the way back “What to eat in London?"if you want to have answers that can give your relatives who are asking, do not return without trying the interesting breakfast of the city.

5 Tea

There are a lot of places to see in London, your time is limited! Then it means that a busy excursion pace is waiting for you all day long. But in the meantime, don't forget to perform the rituals specific to London dec For example, to take a short break from the excursion program, enter one of the famous tea houses of the city and perform their 4 tea ceremony, which we know as 5 tea. Remember that milk mixed with English tea, which, unlike ours, has a softer taste, works wonders. It is necessary to be open to different tastes, and sometimes not always in the way you are used to.


By the way, fish&chips, as we call it, can't be returned without eating fish and chips. Especially if you are looking for a quick, on-your-feet option for dinner, you can go to one of the fish&chips restaurants that you will find around the corner. The fish is prepared from cod or haddock. And the French fries look like our home-made french fries.


And next to an English-style tea, only the famous cookies of the British are suitable! Especially the marmalade, orange and ginger ones are great! Moreover, it does not take a lot of effort to get to these amazing cookies. It is possible to try it in almost all the cafes around the city. A tiny box of cookies can also be a great option if you also do not know how to get a gift for a loved one on your return to London.


komik paylaşımlar, karikatür, kadın, erkek, komedi dünyası, bank, otobüs durağı,


15 Eylül 2021 Çarşamba


“Seni ölüme de götürse, doğruluktan sakın ayrılma” Hz. Ömer,  günün sözü, özlü sözler, anlamlı sözler, at, savaşçı, osmanlı askeri,
“Seni ölüme de götürse, doğruluktan sakın ayrılma” Hz. Ömer (ra)

10 Interesting Facts About Tokyo

10 Interesting Facts About Tokyo, tokyo, japan, asian girl, asia, atom bombası, doğunun başkenti, turizm,

10 Interesting Facts About Tokyo

The city of Tokyo is one of the most visited cities in Japan.dec. Tokyo, which welcomes visitors from all over the world, is a truly amazing world city with its values. So, do you really think that you have enough information about the city of Tokyo? We would like to share a few information about this city that you have not heard about before and that we believe will surprise you a lot.

1 – The Largest Metropolis in the World

Did you know that Tokyo is the largest metropolis in the world? Yes, the city of Tokyo has the title of the largest metropolis in the world, consisting of exactly 3 regions and home to more than 36 million people.

2-Originally Tokyo Had A Different Name

Until recently, when I say close, 20. until the XVII century, the city of Tokyo was known by the name” Edo". After the Meiji revolution, the name of the city was changed to Tokyo in 1890.

3-Vending Machines Everywhere!

Indeed, it is possible to come across an automaton 10-12 meters from te Tokyo. You may think this is an exaggeration, but no. Tokyo is a complete vending city. It is a well-known fact that Japan spends 3% of its electrical energy on these vending machines.

4-Alternative Street Fashion

Most people do not know this aspect of the city of Tokyo. But the Harajuku district of Tokyo is a place famous for its alternative street fashion. In this place, where the pulse of Japanese youth culture is beating, it is possible to meet people dressed quite differently.

5-Sakura Time

In other words, the cherry blossom is known as a national symbol of Japan. These flowers, which bloom for two weeks in April, give Tokyo, even Japan, an incredible visual.

6-The Eiffel Tower?

Of course, this is not the Eiffel Tower that we know, just its appearance is quite similar, because Eyfel was inspired in the construction of this tower. The tower, known as the Tokyo Tower, is actually a communications and observation tower located in the Shiba-Kohen district.

7-Michelin-Starred Restaurants

Did you know that there are more than 14 three-star Michelin-starred restaurants in Tokyo? Tokyo is also home to the world's most rated restaurants in terms of gastronomy.

8-The World's Most Expensive Suite

The Ritz Carlton in Tokyo is home to one of the most expensive suites in the world. Designed by Frank Nicholson, the room costs 18 thousand dollars per night.

9 – Largest Tourist Destination Closed To The Public

The Tokyo Imperial Palace is closed to the public and is considered the largest tourist center in the world so visited. Some parts of the palace are opened to the public only on the Emperor's birthday and in the new year.

10 – The Most Populated Intersection in the World

The Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo is known as the most crowded and busiest intersection in the world. At peak times, more than 1,000 people cross the street from all directions at the same time.

Bonus: You Can Explore Tokyo by Train Ride

There are many places to explore East and west of Tokyo, decorated with train lines. You can easily travel with a high-speed train journey that takes about 60 to 90 minutes.Dec.

14 Eylül 2021 Salı

How do you hang on in New York without knowing anything?

How do you hang on in New York without knowing anything, usa, jobs in new york, buy and sell new york, live in new york

How do you hang on in New York without knowing anything?

The country is coming towards you. It was always coming. Still, our country – but even more beautiful from afar… This article is for our friends who are hurting. People are ready to burn the ships because things are getting out of hand. We know that dozens of people around us want to get away from where they are, even for a while. Even though we have been away from the heat of the agenda for 9 months, if we are stressed here, the magnitude of the unhappiness in Turkey is immeasurable. -This unhappiness is one of the biggest reasons why we fled here at the time... Read the article completely apolitical. Fleeing or staying to fight, homeland nation sakarya, empathy, sympathy, ideology, this is this; all in the trash… Let's say you're thinking of going somewhere. What can you make from scratch in New York? Its good or bad sides... Here I wanted to write an article where you can find the answer to this question and can help you, albeit a little. I wish we could share information about other countries as well. For example, I am madly curious about Australia. Why don't we do another crazy thing? Coming here is not as difficult as you might think. You don't need as much money as you calculate. A classic plane ride; The only problem is visa. Come with a tourist visa. 6 months check here. If your situation is dire, earn money, get some relief and come back. Being a student is very difficult. I repeat, being a student is very difficult. You may have a chance to stay uninterrupted for 5 years, but school will finish you off. The biggest reason why many people become fugitives is their inability to endure absenteeism. First I want to write the pros and cons that come to my mind.

Why Is It Good To Live In New York? - You will not be held accountable for anything. Dress, tradition, custom, education, work, future, past… - You are accepted as you are. You can even decide again what you will be here. - Anyone who is hardworking and ambitious can find a job. - They do not want more than what you are successful in. - Your hours are worth money. If you work 15 minutes more, you get paid. - Everyone in town has an excuse to have fun. They even celebrate the Labor Day holiday with a concert. - You don't have to walk on the street looking back. Nobody bothers you on the subway at 5 in the morning. - Penalties are heavy. Hot wars between people are rare. - Nobody talks politics. - Homeless people who ask you for money will thank you and leave if you don't. - You can talk to people comfortably. Apart from the depth or shallowness of the relationships, a life without paranoia passes. - Nobody gets in front of your turn. It even gives you its own place. - Doors are always kept for those from behind. - You see the most cracked people in the world together. Your life energy will increase. - Every person who passes you on the street has an interesting life story. It is very easy to listen to them. - You can enter any shop and ask for a job. They will never offend you. - Transportation is very easy. The streets are beautiful. - If it's too crowded, everyone waits for the next subway. - Even if you call 911 because something smells bad in the apartment, they won't say you stole our time when they come. (We tried it, we know from there) - Eating and drinking is very cheap. Even with a minimum salary, you have the chance to dine at a luxury restaurant once a month. (Despite the tax!) - Coffee is very cheap. You can drink very high quality coffee for funny figures. - Water is drunk from the tap. There are water-boosting fountains everywhere. (Gyms, parks, museums, streets etc…)

- Electronics are cheap. (Despite the tax!) - You can find jobs from every profession group on the internet. They often come back to your emails. Even if you're not qualified for the job, it's okay, you'll be friends. - You can set up a company very easily. Simple ideas can turn into money in an instant. The government loves you as you pay your taxes. - They listen to you without prejudice. Generally, the words that come out of your mouth are believed. You only look for lice. - There are parks where you can rest in peace. Nobody smokes. With a 3-minute walk, you suddenly find yourself in another world. Some parks offer internet service. - You can participate in chess tournaments with people you don't know in free playgrounds. - Almost every region has a library. It gives free internet. It offers dozens of activities and course options. - Those houses with gardens in the movies are for everyone. You can find very comfortable room. - Gyms are very cheap. It starts at $15 per month. - There are 24/7 events. There is always something going on about everything. - The city is surrounded by free beaches. (But they can't get past us) - There is Central Park, which is a world unto itself. - Some of the world's largest museums and libraries are located here. You can go crazy with the exhibits.

Why Is It Hard To Live In New York? - House rents are very high. If you share houses with people, sometimes problems can arise. - There is no washing machine in the houses. (I don't know if this is hard. You give it to Laundry, they wash it, fold it and bring it back) - Like everywhere else, there are strange people here, they can disturb your order. - For Americans, they can go seriously crazy. - Working hours are incredibly crowded. Everyone runs somewhere. Sometimes you have to fight with someone. - Transportation is expensive. The monthly subway card is $116. You work for it for a day and a half with minimal income. - There are no special options for students. - Taxes are high. - You may not understand time. Sometimes life has passed. - If you do not have permits in the country, you can do vacant jobs for a long time. - Human relationships are not very deep. (Not for everyone) You meet fast and leave quickly. Sometimes you just can't make time for anyone. - You can't trust anyone but yourself. - The streets of some areas are dirty. There are too many homeless people. - You have to tip everywhere. Even in a taxi... The city is built on tipping. - Your slightest weakness can turn into a big problem. You have to be constantly active. - Schools are very expensive. Non-citizens always have a harder time. - The state does not insure you. The emergency departments of the hospital will take care of you, but the bill will be hefty. - The weather is bad. In winter you freeze, in summer you cook. You can hardly see the spring face. - Excess ethnic identity can bother you from time to time. - It is so hot inside the subways that you cannot breathe in the summer. - You solve dozens of problems at the same time and think about the future. Every two weeks despair comes. - English is not as easy as one might think. It annoys you at times. - There is no tradition of restaurants and tea gardens on the coast. - Everything is very fast. Having a cup of tea and deer for hours seems like a waste of time now.

I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING AND WHERE SHOULD I START? I want to write about what you can do with the worst case scenario. If you came alone, if you do not have a strong and social character, you will probably want to cool down and return from the city in two months. Well, you came alone but you want to stay? - If you're looking for a home, start on Craigslist. Queens (Sunnyside-Long Island City-Woodside), Brooklyn (Prospect Park, Park Slope, Williamsburg, Atlantic Ave), New Jersey (Union City, Jersey City, Weehawken, Cliffside) - Make sure that whoever owns the house does not take the rent off you. There are Lease owners who buy two people for $800 for a house with $1200 rent. - If you are a student, make sure to get yourself a bank account. Your I-20 and the ID the school will give you are sufficient. Don't go to Bank of America. When your money is below a certain amount, they charge monthly Fee. Open from Chase. - Go to the New York Public Library and other libraries and get a card with your bank statement that will come a month later. You can buy any book you want for free and benefit from everything in the libraries. - If you want to sign up for sports, you can choose Blink Fitness or NYSC (New York Sports Club). Blink starts at $15 per month, NYSC $40. Never make a special subscription (for example, I want to enter Blink in every region). If you want to cancel, they charge close to 100 dollars. (I paid from there I know) - Issue New York ID with your bank statement, passport and other documents. Anyone can get this ID. It works for you. - If you don't have a credit score, you're nothing in America. Even if you are a student, remove the 'Secure' card and pay on time every month as if you were using an ATM card. $5 or $5,000, it doesn't matter how much you spend. Your timely payment is important to them. This creates your credit score. You can take out a loan the day after tomorrow.

- You can find all foreign company listings and divisions at www.nyc.gov. If you are looking for a job, email companies. - You can get rich from tipped jobs. Become a bartender. You can earn up to $700 per week. - A few of the Turkish Restaurants; A La Turka: 2nd Street 1417 Gulluoglu: 2nd Street 982 Turkish Kitchen: 3.Cadde 386 Babylon: 208 East 34th Street Ali Baba Restaurant: 2nd Street 862 Instant: 2nd Street 928 Sahara: 2nd Street 513 Istanbul Grill: 310 West 14th Street Beyoglu: 3rd Street 1431 The list goes on, folks. We're pretty good in the restaurant business here. - Download the Metro app. The map makes it easy for you to go anywhere. Finding an address in New York is easy. You solve the trains in two days. The app will show you the transfers. - You can follow free events from sites such as Meetup.com, Spoilednyc.com, Nycgo.com. - If you want to sell something, you can open a table on Bedford Street in Brooklyn/Williamsburg. Nobody tells you anything. The streets are yours as the checks are over after 5pm. You can sell something outside the main squares. Do not be shy, do not hesitate. You don't care about anyone. - If you want to join Flea Markets, just send an e-mail. Queens International Flea Market LIC Market Market Nyc Fort Greene Flea Brooklyn Flea Artists and Fleas Smorgasburg Astoria Market Hester Street Fair Atlantic Flea Market - They may ask for Tax ID for some jobs. It is an ID you will get to pay taxes. Anyone can take it off. - If you cannot find a job, you can apply to the employment agency. New York State Department of Labor. I know they're taking your first week. Or there is a small fee.

- If you are looking for scholarships, there are hundreds of services at schools affiliated with Cuny. CUNY (City University of New York)-SUNY (State University of New York). The difference is that one covers schools around the state and the other covers schools around the city. State schools are cheaper. But both are expensive to non-citizens. Go to the CUNY Welcome Center and learn about schools (217 East 42nd Street). Average school fees start at $8,000 per semester (3-4 months). So $15,000 per year is the price of a middling College. If you come with a greencard and show you have no income, school comes for free. - Download Tinder. Here is the easiest way to socialize. The more you get to know people, the easier your work gets. - Always be active, never give up. A problem can arise in any matter at once. Thousands of people go through the same thing. New York both loves and grieves. Things will be fine. - If you get sick, go to the emergency room of any hospital. Even if you don't pay the bill, but if you say you have no income, they will offer you a Benefit card or other options of the same type. You don't die in America when you get sick. We thought so. - Make your metro card monthly. If you don't want to spend $116 every month, get a bike. Cycling is the best mode of transportation in New York. You can also use all buses with the metro card. - There is an incredible concentration of Turkish companies in New Jersey, just so you know. The Paterson region is almost like a small Turkey. - There are hundreds of internship opportunities on Craigslist. With a little buzz and confidence, you can get the job. They will not give money at first, but after that it is not clear. -Always tie your donkey to a solid stake. Never! Never! Never! Don't change your life on someone else's word.

- If you are in a very difficult situation, reach out to a Turkish person and ask for help, they will definitely help you. :)

11 Eylül 2021 Cumartesi

Where to Live in London

london, londra, londrada yaşamak, where to live in london, girl, women, elizabeth, queen elizabet, bus, yaşam, ingiltere, UK, england,
Where to Live in London
If you have a dream of moving to London and living there, you have to consider that you will encounter one of the largest and cosmopolitan metropolises in the world, you can live a very comfortable life and you may experience difficulties in a neighborhood that you may regret. As LondonbyJada, we tried to briefly explain the most livable and uninhabitable areas of London and help you determine the area that suits your needs. London's Most Suitable Neighborhoods to Live in Isle of Dogs: Voted "London's most liveable place" by the Sunday Times in 2019, Isle of Dogs is a quiet neighborhood in east London by the River Thames. Isle of Dogs, where very luxurious and high skyscrapers meet with quiet and single-storey houses, stands out as the first address of good schools, big markets and a safe life. Chiswick: Chiswick, which stands out with its parks and detached houses, is a district that attracts attention with its safety and good public schools like the Isle of Dogs. Chiswick, which has a town feel, is on our list as a neighborhood away from the bustle of the city, with luxury restaurants, English-style pubs and many places to be needed. Battersea: Battersea, which has many opportunities for children such as parks and zoos, draws attention as one of the first choices of families with small children, thanks to its fun and greenery. Angel: Angel, the district of London that stands out with its fun atmosphere, is home to many British-style pubs, restaurants and cocktail bars. Angel, which is close to the city center, is a place preferred by singles or young married couples as it is a lively neighborhood almost every hour of the day. Belgravia: Belgravia, where you can find luxury and order together, is like a holiday resort with its sparkling streets, shops selling many different products, and squares. Even sitting aside in Belgravia and contemplating the neatly constructed and harmonious buildings as if to prove that London is a planned city can be a relief.

Richmond: Richmond, one of the greenest places in London, is a district built on the banks of the River Thames. Richmond is so intertwined with nature that you are likely to see a wild squirrel or gazelle on the street. Richmond, with its historical buildings, is among the preferences of those looking for a safe and quiet life. Blackheat: Located at the starting point of the London Marathon, Blackheat looks like a quiet town with many restaurants and pubs. In Blackheat, which makes its residents comfortable in terms of public transportation thanks to the train station, you can meet many people who go for a walk with their dogs or do morning sports. Crystal Palace: Perched on a gentle hill, Crystal Palace is described by many Londoners as the “most livable neighbourhood”. With its large and green parks, its location overlooking London, all kinds of restaurants and shopping opportunities, Crystal Palace is among the most suitable neighborhoods to settle in in London. Where Not to Live in London Although the places mentioned above are the most livable districts of London, almost every part of the city can meet the expectations of a classical Turkish family, except for a few main districts. However, as in every metropolis, there are districts in London where crime, noise or disorder are rampant, and it would be good to know these districts when moving. Westminster: For the last few years, Westminster, which has been the first in crime rates, is one of the places where a normal Londoner would not want to live. Newham: Located in the center of the city, Newham keeps its place on the agenda especially with the crimes of smuggling and pickpocketing. Camden: Known for crimes such as theft and extortion, Camden is the wrong choice to live.
Our recommendation. If you are in trouble. Go to the Turkish quarter in London. Ask a Turk for help. Surely someone will lend you a helping hand. It's good to be friends with a Turk.

8 Eylül 2021 Çarşamba

Guide to Understanding Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin

Guide to Understanding Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin, bitcoin, sanal para, para, many, altın, gold

Guide to Understanding Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin
What is crypto currency?
“Cryptocurrencies are the tools of a new generation decentralized financial system that is predetermined how it can be produced with an algorithm and who can contribute to this production, with a software that does not have any boss or any institution behind it.”
How long has cryptocurrency been in our lives?
“This started with the first Bitcoin in 2009. Right after the financial crisis in 2008, an article that we call 'white paper' was published. This peer-reviewed article caught people's attention when it went viral on the Internet in the form of a 'manifesto'. The title of this article is the peer-to-peer money transfer system Bitcoin. However, when looked in a little more detail, it is not a monetary system; it seems to be a brand new financial system where everyone can participate and people have a direct say in its production and use. In 2015, a new asset was defined, called Etherium, which we now consider to be the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin.”

What is blockchain? 
 “Blockchain is the infrastructure where these cryptocurrencies are recorded. Blockchain is a decentralized registry system that we call a kind of 'distributed ledger'. Bitcoin is the first popular use of it. Etherium is the second usage area. With Ethereum, the business just went out of use. Even more sophisticated software, which we call 'smart contracts', has turned into a financial system, where all banking services can be provided, with algorithms leaving the financial system only to pay and send money. A financial structure was built, from keeping the record of this entire transportation chain, which is widely used in the logistics sector, which we call the 'supply chain', to decentralized production in the energy sector and to its coordination, where all kinds of records are made without being kept by any authority or any central place. Right now, after Bitcoin and Etherium, there is a last trend called 'decentralized finance'. Here, a financial system is being built based on the free will of the people, where banking, lending, insurance transactions, buying and selling derivative products and many other protocols exist.

How many cryptos are there?
“The first cryptocurrencies were Bitcoin and Ethereum, which were decentralized. But right now there are over 9000 coins. Some of them are not decentralized unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum. There are coins issued by a number of groups, companies, individuals, and some even give their own names. Blockchain and Bitcoin are actually an invitation to evaluate the shock of trust created by the financial crisis in 2008 and say that a different way is possible with technology. In the current pandemic period, people are more aware of the potential of cryptocurrencies. In order to get out of this difficult situation, he hopes to use Bitcoin, Etherium and cryptocurrencies, that is, the tools of this new financial system.

How many people use cryptocurrencies, what is the market cap of cryptocurrencies?
“There is a finding that there are more than 3 million woods in Turkey. That is very serious number. This is much more than Borsa İstanbul users. It is not possible to give an exact figure about the world. In general, we can say that it has a large number of users. But determining the number of people is not easy. Because their numbers here are not one-to-one. In other words, it may be that a person has more than one wallet, and this is even recommended. Therefore, we can see the number of wallets. Therefore, we can measure the market volume, which is an important indicator for us. The total market volume is around 2.1 trillion dollars. This may seem like a small number when we compare it with the forex markets. The continuous growth of a system that started out with the aim of becoming public, since there is no company, institution or person behind it, is important in terms of showing the extent that the business can go even further.”

What is the difference between digital money and crypto money and digital money?
“Central banks are making digital currencies in their own monopoly, which, by definition, cannot be decentralized, in the distributed ledger structure in the technological structure of the blockchain, which is inspired from here. This is the distinction between digital money and cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, bossless, digital currency centralized and patronized. That boss could be a corporation or the central bank itself.”

Can states ban cryptocurrencies? 
 “These jobs and technological jobs are not jobs that can be prevented and banned. Banning blockchain, cryptocurrencies, is like banning the internet. Impossible. It's against the nature of the business. There is currently a somewhat cautious view and approach towards cryptocurrencies. This is mostly due to the volatility of cryptocurrencies. Here, central banks and states highlight the risk of investors being victimized and emphasize the need to take precautions here. As an academic, I think differently. Education prevents these grievances, not banning cryptocurrencies or reducing their use. The second reason is that it is used as a tool in money laundering or terrorist financing, and there is a cautious and prohibitive attitude towards cryptocurrencies. The fault is not in cryptocurrencies. The world's most used money in these dark works is, by definition, the reserve currency, the dollar. Whichever is the most used money is used in these works. Just as our banning the dollar does not prevent this, our banning of cryptocurrencies will not prevent this. Here again, what needs to be done is to identify those who mediate these dark deeds and to impose sanctions on them. It's not about blocking cryptocurrencies."

What risks do cryptocurrencies pose? 
 “As the upward trend appears, people expect us to buy and get rich. This is risky. Those who follow these works for a long time and know the markets have internalized a very simple data. Whenever high levels are seen in Bitcoin and Etherium, there is definitely a decrease. There are decreases of 10-20, up to 30 percent. There was a similar decline last weekend. All of them dropped 10 percent. In normal markets, this 10 percent decrease can be perceived as a big drop. But there are 50 percent 60 percent rises in cryptocurrencies. A 30 to 40 percent drop is also quite possible. A risky asset is, by definition, highly probable. But when it suddenly drops by 10 percent, we see that people make panic sales and are evaluated as if they were burned down. Our state institutions have regulations regarding the risks that such impulsive behavior may create, and measures that advocate that such warnings should not be encouraged. Financial literacy was an important concept in the past. It is still important. There is currently an updated version of it. Financial technology literacy and these things are very intertwined. Financial knowledge is required as well as the knowledge of using hardware and having a good command of technology. You need to read and research.”


İslamcılık adı altında Türk düşmanlığı yapan soysuzlardan nefret ediyorum. Türkçülük adı altında İslam düşmanlığı yapanlardan nefret ettiğim gibi, Ömer Seyfettin, şair, yazar, roman, şiir, türk,
İslamcılık adı altında Türk düşmanlığı yapan soysuzlardan nefret ediyorum. Türkçülük adı altında İslam düşmanlığı yapanlardan nefret ettiğim gibi.
(Ömer Seyfettin)